SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 Activity 7 International football players The exercise consists in finding names of international football players that, born in their country of origin, are now playing in other countries. Learners will be grouped by pairs, each pair having the task to find 10 well known international football players (different ones for each pair). Learners will be asked to write names on post-it, then to color on left side the flag of their national country of origin, and on right side, stick the logo of the football club they are playing after copying it from magazines, documentation, internet, … . Activity 8 / Feedback Learners will be asked to remember to which stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs corresponds the fact to belong or not to a team, so that to place a post-it on their pyramid mentioning Activity 7 type of needs. Any other questions? The goal of this activity is to bring learners to understand complementarity of players that are good alone and excellent together. Be able to understand multidisciplinarity Be able to build complementarities Digital competence Intercultural communication Organizing one’s learning Teamwork 10’ 40 ’ 10 ’