SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 5 Pairs of learners have to be changed before starting a new action so that all learners may get chance to work together at least in one exercise . Activity 9 Music instruments This activity consists in finding names of typical music instruments from a variety of countries. Learners by pairs will be asked to find 3 typical music instruments and to write their names on post-it, then to color on left side the flag of the national country of origin the music instrument is used in, and on right side, stick a photo of it after copying from magazines, documentation, internet, …. Activity 10 As second activity in this action, learners will have to couple each typical music instrument they find with other well known ones that are normally composing orchestra (such as violin, piano, trumpet, saxophone , drum, …) . Activity 11 Teacher will ask learners to classify the typical music instruments per category (stringed, wind instruments, ...). Activity 12 / Feedback Learners will be asked to remember to which stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of Be able to understand multidisciplinarity Be able to accept individual differences Be able to build complementarities Teamwork Intercultural communication Organizing one’s learning 30 ’ 30 ’ 20 ’