SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN needs corresponds the fact to play music in a group, so that to place one/several post-it ’ s on their pyramid mentioning Activities 9 to 11 type of needs. Any other questions? The goal of this activity is to bring learners to understand complementarity of instruments to compose an orchestr a . 10 ’ Action 6 Activity 13 Teacher will ask learners while watching the well know n following video https://www gdcgnSrUvU to identify as different stages of needs (from Maslow’s pyramid) as they can and to individually write their answers on a sheet of paper. Activity 14 / Feedback Learners will be asked to read their notes to the group and to discuss why they agree or not on some of them. Any other questions? The goal of this exercise is to show that often people need to be several to get a right and complete answer to one question. Be able to accept individual differences Be able to build complementarities Organizing one’s learning Self-reflection 15 ’ (including the video w atch 7’21’’) 15’ Action 7 Activity 15 To be safe and secured