SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 19 / Feedback Learners will be asked to remember to which stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs correspond Activities 15 to 18, so that to place one/several post- it’s on their pyramid. Any other questions? 10’ Action 8 Activity 20 Teacher while preparing his/her lesson will identify a wide (not less than 15 to 20) range of typologies of groups that can be observed through his/her learners (family, suburb, village, ethnicity/origins, sports, singers’ group, gang, early school leavers, …). As 1st exercise in this action 8, teacher will ask to learners to individually identify group(s) they belong to. The list is not exhaustive and the important goal is that learners can identify that they probably belong to different groups at the same time. Activity 21 Each learner will report to the group on which group(s) he/she thinks he/she belongs. Learners will be asked by teacher if they already know that they were belonging to same types of groups? Should this Be able to accept individual differences Be able to build complementarities Organizing one’s learning Self-reflection Communication 10 ’ 15 ’