SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Teacher will ask pairs to show each other what each learner wrote on his/her binomial so that his/her ideas will be confirmed or denied. Activity 25 / Feedback Learners will be asked why they think it’s necessary to show his/her true profile to gain confidence and esteem. Any other questions? 5’ 5’ Action 10 The video includes in Action 9 Activity 30 has been produced within an EU project from JUSTICE program in 2018 focusing on gender based violence to migrant women. Activity 26 From the watching in plenary group of th e attached video, teacher will or ganize two exerci ses as follow: Activity 27.A Learners will individually have to identify the different stages of needs they observe when watching and listening the video (If necessary, teacher will show this video several times, stopping it sometimes for letting learners make their ideas ). Activity 27.B Learners organized by pairs will be asked to create a 2 nd part of this Indian story by developing the 5 stages of the Be able to understand multidisciplinarity Be able to accept individual differences Be able to build complementarities Self-reflection Communication Teamwork Organizing one’s learning 10’ 20’ 3 0’