SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN YOUTHPASS For learners under the age of 30, we encourage the use of this tool to document and recognize learning outcomes from youth work activities. It is available for projects funded by Erasmus+: Youth in Action (2014-2020) and Youth in Action (2007-2013) programmes. It is a part of the European Commission’s strategy to foster the recognition of non-formal learning, putting policy into practice and practice into policy. While creating their Youthpass certificate together with a support person, project participants are given the possibility to describe wh at they have done in their project and which competences they have acquired. Thus, Youthpass supports the reflection upon the personal non-formal learning process and outcomes. As a Europe-wide recognition instrument for non-formal learning in the youth field, Youthpass strengthens the social recognition of youth work. Youthpass supports active European citizenship of young people and of youth workers by describing the added value of their project. Youthpass also aims at supporting the employability of young people and of youth workers by raising their awareness of and helping to describe their competences, and by documenting their acquisition of key competences on a certificate. Crossed key words that fit with SERA and with Youthpass focus to foster the recognition of non-formal learning, to support active European citizenship of young people, to help to describe competences, to certify acquisition of key competences. A very wide range of learners, from early school leavers without any educational recognition to more mature ones, can participate in this programme. SERA consortium recommends that institutions using the SERA programme: - Organize at least one assessment at the beginning of the course, and one at its end (better if an interim one per cycle is also conducted) through, for example, the IRI process; and - Develop an internal certificate for recognition of prior learning (if their institution is able to deliver such document) that will be delivered during the party that ends each SERA cycle, however with no reference to the closed institution, for example with VALMOPRIS Competence frameworks and/or YOUTHPASS certificate.