SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN - Fear of the dark. Would you feel fear? Why? What would you do? Do you think that fear is founded or unfounded? Why? Activity 4 Teacher provides different approaches to the concept of fear [see Annex 2 attached] 10 ‘ Action 3 Reflection Activity 5 Learners reflect on personal real situations when they felt fear, write about them and later present to the rest. To learn how to distinguish between real or unfounded fears Social and civic competences Communication in L1 Critical thinking Reflection 45 ‘ Action 4 Solutions and options Activity 6 In groups, learners present feasible solutions to finish with irrational fears. Then the teacher shows options to overcome those fears. [see Annex 3 attached] To learn how to control and overcome fear Social and civic competences Communication in L1 Critical thinking Reflection 20 ‘ Action 5 Eliminating fear Activity 7 Learners watch a short video on techniques to overcome fear. [This or similar videos on fear expression, solutions to fear, etc. could be used] To learn how to control and overcome fear Learning to learn Reflection Autonomy 10’