SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ANNEX 2 Different approaches to the concept of fear, for example following the ones exposed in Wikipedia: Biological approach : fear is an adaptive scheme and is a mechanism of survival and defense, emerged to allow the individual to respond to adverse situations quickly and effectively. In that sense, it is normal and beneficial for the individual and for his species. From the neurological point of view : it is a common form of organization of the primary brain of living beings, and essentially consists of the activation of the amygdala, located in the temporal lobe. From the social and cultural point of view : fear can be part of the character of the person or social organization. You can therefore learn to fear objects or contexts, and you can also learn not to fear them, it is related in a complex way with other feelings (fear of fear, fear of love, fear of death, fear of ridicule) and keeps close relationship with the different elements of culture. In the psychological aspect : it is an affective, emotional state, necessary for the correct adaptation of the organism to the environment, which causes anguish in the person. The teacher will focus on the exposed aspects: fear as a defense mechanism and alert that allows the individual to respond to an adverse situation, with physical, neurological causes, which one can learn to have (or not), fear of certain situations, being able to eliminate fear in situations of danger that really are not (and vice versa), and that is emotionally necessary for adaptation to the environment, even if it causes anguish. It is necessary to be afraid of a certain situation and feel the need to protect ourselves.