SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 Activity 5 Prepare “Someone Else’s Shoes” cards. There must be written different situations. Take one character card, pair up with the another learner, and read your card aloud while your partner practices being an empathetic listener. Then, switch roles: practice being empathetic as your partner, as his character, tells you what he is experiencing. Trainees will be able to take part in a dialogue to show empathy. Cultural awareness & expression Social and civic competences Communication in the mother tongue Creativity, problem solving, self- reflection 30 min Action 5 Activity 6 A video or a short movie can be watched by the learners (If you do not have enough time for the whole movie, a short part of it can be shown.) education-resources/lesson-plan-ideas/lesson-2- developing-empathy There are very appropriate video scripts up to the topic on the Internet. The given link can be checked. At the end of the movie or the episode, a short discussion about the topic can be done with the whole group. The teacher may guide the discussion with some questions. Trainees will be able to watch a movie to get the empathic situations. - Science and technology -Critical thinking 50-60 min Action 6 Activity 7 The trainer applies a questionnaire to let the learners discover how empathic they are. Trainees will be able to describe how empathetic they are. Taking responsibility Autonomy 30 min