SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN migration reasons, or because of… any other reasons they may have. If possible, each learner will express orally in front of pairs. If not possible, each learner will write his/her answer on paper sheet (if illiterate, teacher will propose to learner to speak confidentially with him/her). Activity 8: Brainstorming Learners will be asked by the teacher to identify reasons why they do not believe anymore in civil society, in their country, in justice, in their relatives, … from a social point of view (none reference to private reasons) . “ I waited from my country (there it will be necessary to specify which one - birth, origin, life, ... -), justice, society, my family, ... that he / she brings me ... (what) but I am feeling betrayed because ... ” Activity 9 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 3? Any other questions? Autonomy Social and civic competences 15 ’ 5’