SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 Find relevant topics as support to short skits Activity 10 Based on previous exercises (Activities 1-2-4-5-7-8), learners will be asked to identify topics that they would like to write short skits [alone (monologue) or in pair work (2) or in sub-groups (max. 4)]. The idea is not to remember more topics than there are subgroups of 4, or pairs, added to possible monologues. Activity 11 Organization of writing groups according to the chosen themes. The interest for the teacher will be to mix those who know how to write and possible illiterates, while respecting individual choices. Activity 12 Learners will have to identify which documentation they will need to prepare subjects they will play. It is advisable to avoid costumes and disguises for this exercise but if there was to be a show outside the learning group, then the question could arise (and the time added to the sequence). Be able to bring own contribution to a group of pairs Be able to have imagination and to defend ideas Autonomy Learning to learn Critical thinking Anti-hate communication Self-awareness and expression 20 ’ 15 ’ 25’