SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 5 To write and to train then play short skits Activity 13 Depend on teacher and/or learners, this part of the work could also be prepared for part of it outside the course. Skits must not be more than 10’ each. Skits can be prepared orally with respect to learners’ choice. Skits must be constructed with (negative) arguments and (positive) counter-arguments, the idea to be defended being that “ the grass is not always greener elsewhere ” . The voluntary actors will learn the main ideas of their role before repeating it, so as not to complicate the task of their partners. Activity 14 To play skits in front of pairs and teacher Activity 15 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 4 and Action 5? Any other questions? Be able to cooperate within a sub-group Be able to show and defend own ideas Be able to play with others even if goals are different Autonomy Teamwork Communication 30’ 3 x 30’ 30’ to 60’ depending on the number of skits to play 2 0’