SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 2 Design mask Using paper and pencil or whatever tools at hand Ask learners to refer to visual aids to Action 3 Learners decide and select/volunteer to be the model and decide who will apply plaster strips. (makers) Organise work space. Get into teams of 1 model and 2 makers or 1 model and 1 maker or divide into groups of 2 if there are more than 3 learners. This session should be fun and engaging. The model is the brave participant and the makers have full responsibility to re assure and convince the model of their work. Interaction/co operation/Trust are key. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEAR UP Plaster roll/dust remnants should be put into newspaper or into a rubbish bag. DO NOT ALLOW LEARNERS TO PUT OLD PLASTER DOWN THE SINK! Ask Learners to use baby wipes to wash off any excess plaster before washing normally with soap. Activity 3 Learners design masks based on visual aids provided Include as much information as possible. Include visual notes or written notes - if desired. Activity 4: Prepare materials. Cut up Plaster bandages - small 3cm x 1cm and larger strips 10cm x 4cm of plaster roll. Put cut up strips into a plastic container. Fill plastic container with water. Put on protective clothing. Model sits comfortably in chair leaning back. Secure any hair with a scarf. Activity 5 The maker(s) need to use good social negotiation skills and instil confidence into the model Apply petroleum jelly to the face, eyebrows, covering ears if to be included. Dip strips into the water and apply onto the face, making sure the strips of plaster overlap and are smoothed out. Cover all the face and sculpt around the nose with smaller pieces, leaving the nostrils open. Go around the mouth. build up ears. Re assure the model. Apply 2-3 layers alternating strips until the face starts to take shape and is strong, Stand back reflect and continue. Smoothing each layer down following the shape of the face and moulding until the makers are satisfied. Check for fragile areas and re-enforce with more plaster strips. Allow to harden, gently lift mask of the face. Use plenty of glue and continue to use plaster strips to build up eyebrows, define mouth, nose, ears and any other details. Apply lavishly a layer Discover new materials and how they can be used to Construct/create sculpture Use appropriate language to convince and encourage the model to relax. Use Empathy Inform the model of progress being made. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Social and civic competences Learning to learn Communication Teamwork Flexibility 40 ’ 15 ’ Select model. Prepare model Re assure. 9 0’ Rotation of models & Application of plaster onto 15 ’ Store Masks safely Clean up Work together discuss experiences confronted