SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN * Plaster is a Non Allergic material and will wash off clothes and face easily of PVA / Vernis Colle all over the mask both sides. Leave to dry. Learn through the process and refine and modify mask Action 4 Inform/Inspire Exploration Experimentation of Colour Generate informal discussion around colour, Use magazines and visual examples. Ask learners to think about a colour that could represent them. Make connections between colour in nature, meanings symbolism and effects on our minds using images from magazines The instructor prepares a handful of images that use colour to sell/attract/convince/ appeal to our senses Demonstrate how to make one colour blend into another using the primary colours. Onto A4 paper. Example. Red mixed with yellow makes orange. Mention the relationship of these colours to nature and when blended easily remind us of a sunset. This should be fun and experimental, not formal. Activity 6 Look through magazines and choose images that use colour to convey meaning or transmit a message. Or Images that are using striking colours combinations to sell something. Find examples of images that use colour to invoke calmness, anger joy curiosity, peace, jealousy. Sadness.. Activity 7 Learners can try to blend red, then red + yellow = orange - fading into yellow. Blend each colour into the next. Repeat this starting with blue, green and yellow; Red Purple and blue. T hen Fold up A4 paper 4 times, unfold and ready made rectangles appear in the folds Ask learners to make as many different combinations of colours through trial and error with primary colours +white and fill rectangles. Learn the very basic essentials of colours mixing and the how colour is used in society to sell ideas or to evoke feelings. Use initiative and Imagiantion Learn about colour blending through experimentation Social and civic competences Learning to learn Creativity Communication Communication Teamwork . 40 ’ Research select gather visual aids 60 ’ 20 ’ Group Evaluations. Clear up