SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 5 Development Embellishment of mask using collage technique Aiming for a design that reflects their desired mood/culture/Themes Learners may want to use colours that represent their country of origins or roots. Check masks are solid. Put aside. Show visual aids and discuss possible decoration, styles, African, Aboriginal. Personal Carnival, Happy, Sad, Neutral.. Recall previous lesson about colour and positive and negative effects. For example. Shades of Blue can transmit feelings of sadness./serenity. Unfriendly, cold. Red = Rage or strong emotions, fire. Excitement Yellow =joy, fun Emotional Fragility, depression. Demonstrate how to collage using torn up strips of tissue paper thinking about colours and moods, and transferring skills gained in last sessions. integrate text, key words if desired from old newspapers. Demonstrat e on paper, paint the paper with the PVA, lay strips of tissue paper down and paint over the tissue with another layer of PVA/Vernis Colle. Create flat areas of Activity 8 Use glue gun to re enforce any weak areas on the mask. Use the glue gun to go around contours to give smoother edges and a tidy finish Glue dries clear Participate in directed non formal discussion. Learners experiment with collage using techniques demonstrated. Explore different colour combinations using layers of coloured tissue paper. Decide which colour schemes complement learners ideas/themes Tear up, do not use scissors , small pieces of the tissue paper, text if selected and put into plastic container ready to work with. Play with surface qualities. Explore what different colours, shapes can be achieved. Once experimentation is over start to apply the same technique to the mask for vivid colours and interesting surface qualities apply 2-3 layers of the same colour or combination of colours to the mask. Ensure every layer is wet with PVA / Vernis Colle on the surface of the mask and over the top of the added tissue paper and keep it flat, tears happen this is normal, work over them. Learners reflect and modify as the work progresses, Allow to dry Prepare materials/workspace. Review modify and refine using skills acquired To experiment and learn about how collage can create Interesting surface qualities Apply previous Knowledge, skills and understanding to mask. Learning to learn Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Teamwork Communication Creativity 15 ’ 5 ’ Share ideas, discuss colours and themes with view to expressing a theme emotion. 10 ’ Demonstration by instructor 20 ’ Learners Testing Exploration/ collage on paper 55 ’ Application of collage onto masks 15 ’ Clean up. Reflect upon process.