SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN colours and overlap for effects. Emphasise this is 1 st step that will be used to embellish the masks Mention the glue dries transparent. Store mask Action 6 Review Final Decoration USING DOTS repeat patterns, shapes, inspired by Aboriginal dream symbols /Africa/Asian cultures or other. Combine with learners own personal individual ideas. Begin the session by looking at the masks as a group, exchange experiences and allow learners to work together if desired./swap masks. Generate Discussion if learners want to add another layer of tissue paper, change modify or improve masks. Some learners may want to change the colours entirely. Allow this. Emphasise this is final step and decoration will help transform the masks. Keep visual aids at hand for continued inspiration. Show learners examples of symbols of Aborigines dreams or tribal African/ Asian masks to see how pattern has been created using symbols marks texture. Learners can use these ideas or create their own techniques. Activity 9 Evaluate /discuss masks so far. Difficulties Positives Share tips. The learners organise and Arrange work space, prepare paints, paint brushes plastic lids for pallets, cover tables and begin. Learners think about styles and start to paint areas of the mask with acrylic paint painting in eyebrows, around eyes emphasising features, painting in areas they to create expressions - tragic/carnival/tribal/cultural/fun/sad/emotional frightening/neutral expressions moods. Activity 10 Learners apply dot technique to unify the mask dotting around features creating tribal lines tattoo marks similar to Henna patterns making symbols with dots or just decorating in any way that is pleasing or effective to the over all masks. Learners should use contrasting colours if area to be dotted is black then use white or yellow/red dots. If area is light then dark black dots should be applied. Repeat process until Mask looks good. Mistakes can be washed off with damp cloth and another layer of dots of applied. Learn to develop an idea through the process towards completion. Express feelings emotions through the paint /colour Learn a new technique for Improving work Use Imagination Learning to learn Cultural awareness and Expression Creativity 20 ’ 30 ’ 30’ 15’