SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1: Week 5 Using the drawing as a support with the learner to see how he imagines himself and the learner he adds around him Exchange around the production of his drawing, how he sees himself, the learner he draws, what represents for him, their role ... Action 2: Week 5 The genogram Use the genogram Tool as a support English Resource Genograms and Family Maintenance (Monica McGoldrick, Randy Gerson) Construction of the genogram with the codifications, to announce the first names, the dates of birth, the bonds of filiation (marriage, divorce ...), the deaths, accidents, miscarriage, handicap, the secrets ... Exchange with the learner around the genogram, how is the family built Activity 1 To draw, the way the learner sees him/herself and the learner he/she wants to add around him Activity 2 Realize the representation of his/her family with the help of the psychologist by the tool of the genogram Self-image and its environmental resources Representation of his/her family, the links, the roles, the values, the beliefs, the mode of relationship, the secrets, the family rules, the transgenerational transmissions, the place within the family ... Self-reflection Self-reflection Meeting between psychologist and the learner (face to face) Meeting between psychologist and the learner (face to face) 90’ 90’