SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 6: Week 7 Synthesis between the psychologist and the learner on the reading and the data coming out of the family tree (genogram) of the learner Activity 6 Interview of expression for the learner on the return of the data of his/her genogram and the clinical reading made by the psychologist Awareness and emergence of the history of his/her family and his/her own identity construction Reflection/evaluating Meeting between psychologist and the learner (face to face) 30’ Action 7: Week 8 Exploitation of genogram production with the family and the learner Use the genogram data to make a return to the family with the learner Activity 7 The learner and his/her family exchange around the results and the representation of the family tree Restoring the parental bond and understanding and communication between family members Development and recognition of family skills Collectif Group work 60’ Action 8: Week 8 Face to face meeting with the learner Synthesis to do with him on the activities carried out during these 4 new weeks: lived, felt emotional, his achievements ... Activity 8 The learner expresses him/herself and communicates on his/her experience and thoughts on the second sequence of activities carried out with the psychologist Point and awareness of the learner's progress, skills and resources acquired Learning to lean Assessing competence and competence development 60’