SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ASSESSMENT of PRIOR LEARNING Possible Not possible yet Assessment Method (if possible) Assessment of learning remains for the empirical yoga teacher and is based on a good visual observation of the student's singularity. Nevertheless, the first observations will concern the behavior of the body. Finding some flexibility in the spine promotes the circulation of energy, acts on the nervous system and allows a better receptivity. The mastery of the acquired breath allows the student to relax his musculature in the exercises by coordinating well breathing / movement. Tensions also disappear in the relaxations and liberates the mind, clarifies the spirit. By releasing these sufferings the state of relaxation promotes awareness. Physical exercises, breathing tend to the learning of the meditation which will reveal in the student his deep self, his own potential by feeding all his centers of energies in all the dimensions of his being, physical emotional and psychological and mental.