SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 5 Activity 11 Why should we not forget about clothes? Teacher will organize a brainstorming with learners to identify positive reasons to really clean clothes. Should we make differences between clothes? If Yes, learners will have to name them. Activity 12 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 5? Any other questions? Be able to defend the interest of personal cleaning to prepare reintegration into community Be able to give answers to questions focusing on this matter Social and civic competences Communication Autonomy Taking responsibility 15 ’ 10 ’ 5 ’ Action 6 Activity 13 What are the good hygiene habits? Be able to understand the importance of personal cleaning in daily activities Be able to understand the interest of personal cleaning to prepare reintegration into community Communication Autonomy Evaluating / Reflecting Critical thinking 10 ’