SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Ask them to think about what their families need or want. Activity 4 Explain to the learners that they will create a book/booklet about their family member, their roles, responsibilities, needs and wants. Instruct them to draw a picture of their family members. Have them label the individuals in their drawings. Action 3 Activity 5 Have these learners write a story about an experience that they have had with four of their family members. Give your learners a word bank or sentence starters to write about their families. Make sure that they use complete sentences and write how each family member has an important role in the family. Remind them that no two family members are alike! The learners will be able to talk about experiences that they have had with four of their family members. They will be able to share the stories with their mates. Communication in the hosting national language Communication 60-90 min Action 4 Activity 6 Learners will listen to multiple stories about families of different cultural/ethnic backgrounds. Learners will also personally evaluate how Intercultural communication Reflecting & Evaluating 45-60 min