SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 2 – teacher will ask learners to explain why they do believe their way (family culture, traditions, … ) 1) External locus controlled people believe that he/she is controlled by faith, luck and other powerful things. 2) Internal locus controlled people believe that he/she is controlled by his choices, skills and efforts. Action 4 Activity 5 The trainer wants the learners work in pairs. The trainer draws a line on the board. He/She writes “What does faith mean to you?” on one of the half while he/she writes “What do you want to change in your faith? ” on the other half. Teacher invites learners to work in pairs and discuss the given questions on the board. Asks the volunteer pairs to share their answers during10 ’ then trainer writes what is told on the board and asks for reactions. be able to review his/her point of view to the concept of faith Team work Critical thinking Self-reflection 30 ’ Action 5 Activity 6 The trainer reads the story which is called “Forgotten Diamond” or another one which can be found on the internet (short stories about faith). After the story, the trainer gets the learner s’ opinions about the story. He/She ends the session by asking if learners believe that everybody has a power to change his/her destiny. Be able to defend his/her opinion within a group Cultural awareness and expression Critical thinking Self-reflection 45 ‘