SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Comic Presentation Activity 1 Teacher will present the social skills to be worked on (thanking, apologizing, asking for help) and will make them realize about the importance of knowing how to apologize, thank others and ask for help. Activity 2 Teacher presents a comic, “La Entrada” (The Entry ) (see Annex 1 attached) [Similar comics or material could be used; this here was previously created by the learners] To improve relationship with people around. Learning to learn Social and civic competences Communication Anti-hate communication 15 min 15 min Action 2 Debate Activity 3 The teacher will make the following suggestions to the learners for analysis and debate: - Think a f ew minutes and write everything you receive from others, listing specific situations in which you have received help. - List five recent situations in which you have shown appreciation. - Express situations in which you have been able to help and you have not done so, analyzing their causes. To value help received from others. To keep to speaking times. To take action using appropriate language and attitude. Communication in national hosting language Critical thinking Self-reflection Anti-hate communication 30 min Action 3 Analysing social skills in media Activity 4 In small groups, learners will analyze situations when they didn’t show gratitude and why. They will have to think of strategies to make up for it. To understand and put oneself in the other’s place in different situations. Social and civic competences 15 min