SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 5 Each group will present their conclusions from activity 4 to the rest of the class. To use proper and non-agressive language. To promote critical and positive attitudes. Communication in national hosting language Teamwork Evaluating Anti-hate communication Self-reflection 15 min Action 4 Role play Activity 6 The teacher will summarize the correct ways to ask for help, help others and show appreciation. Learners will create posters or charts to be hung on walls in classroom with phrases and drawings that reflect social skills: asking for help, thanking, apologizing. Activity 7 To conclude, learners will get in groups to carry out a role play they need to prepare in advance, where these social skills are properly used or not in everyday life. To improve relationship with people around. To learn how to ask for help in a proper, polite way. To learn how to thank someone when being helped. To learn how to apologize in a proper way. Communication in national hosting language Social and civic competences Creativity Teamwork Autonomy Anti-hate communication 30 min 30 min