SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub- timing Action 1 Challenge another person Activity 1 Everybody writes his/her name on a paper. Teacher pins the names at random on the rungs of the ladder. Teacher explains the rules of the game: Learners can challenge a person who is higher ranked. If the challenger wins both players switch position, if the higher ranked wins the positions stay the same. The goal is to end as high as possible at the end of the game time. You may not challenge the same person immediately, so after an action, choose another partner. You can’ t say now to somebody who challenges you. Teacher gives some examples of activities (a tower of matches in 30 seconds, jump from a standstill, oxo, dice, throw a little ball in a bucket, ...) Learners choose an activity by themselves. They can do everything, if possible in the available room and materials. Teacher is referee. Short discussion about creativity and how it feels to win, lose. Be able to find an activity that suits you Be able to lose a competition Be aware of your own competences Be aware of the competences of another person Social and civic competences Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Communication Taking responsibility Conflict management 10 min 40 min 10 min