SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Outcomes Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Pre-organization Activity 1 First activity mainly involved teacher that will have to take local contacts with associations caring on people with disabilities, and especially the ones who are practicing sport at good level even not high-level. The main goal of the sequence is to organize sport challenges between our specific target groups and disabled persons (of same ages if possible) practicing some sport activities at good level (table tennis, billiards, cycling, swimming, ... and so many others). Teacher will have to explain to associations in contacts what he/she wants to do (in fact, it’s to show learners than persons with disabilities can have better positive results than our learners). If group of learners is good, may be Activity 1 can be made with learners (contacts, preparation, organization, …). Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Action 2 Preparation of the event Activity 2 Teacher will help learners to care about organization (mobility included, medals, cocktail, spectators, invitations to Be able to create an event Taking responsibility Creativity 120’