SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN guests, list of attendance, programme of the D day, … ). Activity 3 Teacher will help learners to prepare places and sites where competitions will be organized. Activity 4 Teacher will supervise learners to prepare materials (games, sports, materials, … ), rules, food and drinks. Learners also must have contacts with local medias. For each one of the activity, periodic meetings between learners and teacher will be organized to follow the good run of this sequence. If learners decide to organize a post- event party, teacher may check that this option is realizable and agreed (+30’) . Activity 5 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 2? Any other questions? Be able to prepare list of things to share with colleagues Be able to welcome and accommodate opponents Teamwork Empathy 60’ 60’ 10’