SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN To understand differences Teacher will introduce the film “ Skirt Day ”. For example: Sonia Bergerac, a college teacher, has been on a nervous breakdown since her husband left her. One morning, she discovers a weapon hidden in a learner's bag. She seizes it and involuntarily pulls one of them. Panicked, she takes the class hostage ... Activity 4 Quick return on the movie: Do you like the movie? If NO, please explain your thoughts and ideas (could be a start of exchanges with other learners). Do you agree about main themes of this film? What do you think about it? - find the main ideas - understand some concepts 15 ’ Action 3 Return on the movie Activity 5 Team working (with a paper support) Teacher will introduce Annex 2 and explain words, questions, … if necessary. %20Skirt%20day.docx Teacher will organize sub-groups of 2-3 learners so to go through the exercise. Each learner gets a copy of Annex 2 with a pen/pencil The interest of this work is to exchange point of view, ideas, … to be able to accept that all people do not think the same way, to try to understand why some people may not think like me Be able to: - teamwork - exchange point of view - debate on ideas - accept another point of view Communication Critical thinking Teamwork 20 ’