SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Teacher will not make any research at this step, just work with initial learners’ knowledge Action 2 Autocracy or Democracy Activity 3 Teacher will start a debate with learners to check what do they know about Democracy and/or Autocracy. Teacher will ask lear ners to find examples from daily life. Activity 4 Depends on the level of the group, the teacher will prepare some adapted exercises from Shocking Democracy Stereotypes blind your minds The spirit of Democracy Let’s agree we disagree What modern countries are ruled by Autocracy? Teacher will care about national origins of each learner when preparing course. Teacher then can ask learners to find hyponyms of Autocracy like: absolutism; authoritarianism; Caesarism; despotism; shogunate; Stalinism; totalitarianism; tyranny Is a constitutional monarchy an autocracy? Why or why not? Be able to make self- reflection Be able to argue Learn to learn Social and civic competences Respect Tolerance 10’ 3 0’