SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses
Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Based on this definition, teacher will ask learners to identify five to ten governments/countries that can be considered as Dictatorships. Learners will have to find which type of Dictatorship is developed, and as complement, they can be asked to identify if there is a flag and what it means? Who is the ruler? Teacher may decide to have a debate with learners about positive and negative points of Dictatorship. Debriefing on Action 3 What did I learn? 10’ Action 4 Violence or Non-violence Activity 7 Teacher will start a debate with learners to check what do they think about Violence and/or Non-violence. Teacher will ask learners, without them making any researches, to give examples they already know through history and Medias. Ex. Gandhi, Mandela, … Activity 8 What do these pictures mean to you? 01 02 03 Be able to make self- reflection Be able to argue Learn to learn Social and civic competences Anti-hate communication Critical thinking 10’ 15’
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