SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 04 05 06 Teacher will ask learners, by pairs, to identify the photos which belong to violence scenarii and the ones that correspond to non-violence. They will have to defend their opinion in front of the whole group. Activity 9 For this exercise, the teacher must be able to debate about the problems of arms in The States (he/she also can ask to be helped by some “expert” like police, military professionals, teacher of philosophy, ... The Arms Trade is Big Business in The States: The teacher will propose the learners to debate about this topic starting by making a research on Internet (if possible) or in books / magazines. Lea rners will be asked to explain why ofte n mothers and youngsters express the mselves with non-violence attitudes. Debriefing on Action 4 What did I learn? Be able to share ideas Pairs group 15’ 40’ 10’