SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Preamble to the Context of implementation The three cycles that make up the SERA programme were finalized on time but the target groups (radicalized or at risk of radicalization prisoners) were missing, probably because the political level was absent from the consortium. It is important to remember here that the project was part of the "Public Policy Reform" line and that there would have been any legitimacy to solicit them while the educational mission was privileged. Thus, alternatives have been found in the complementarity of the partnership, which have broadened the focus and brought this work beyond using it only with those sanctioned to imprisonment to using it with others in preventive actions. It has thus been necessary to adapt some sequences to:  Specific issues (minors in detention centres for example as extra-time to legal educational programmes);  National and/or cultural contexts; and  Specific environments and rules (for example in prison)