SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 6 Resistance or Terrorism Activity 12 Teacher will start a debate with learners to check what do they know about Resistance and/or Terrorism. Teacher will ask learners to find examples without doing any researches. This work consists in helping learners to find ideas that will reinforce their individual and collective reflection. Activity 13 Teacher will ask learners to constitute 2 sub-groups. One will represent RESISTANCE, the second TERRORISM. Both words have 10 letters and with these 10 letters, the two sub-groups will try to make words in relation with: 1. Resistance (like RESIST, RACE, …) 2. Terrorism (like TERROR, ERROR, …) Depend on the level of learners, teacher can allow learners to add one to three letters to widen their choice of words. Activity 14 Teacher may ask learners to find pictures in magazines to create by collage two posters, one for Resistance, one for Terrorism. After, they can be exhibited in corridors or meeting room and a visit from students from different Be able to make self- reflection Be able to argue Learn to learn Social and civic competences Tolerance 15’ 25’ 20’