SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub- timing Action 1 Finding about me Activity 1 What do we know and what are we good at doing? The Trainer explains the skills needed for some jobs. Each Learner reflects on the knowledge and skills acquired so far. In small groups they express qualities that stand out from the rest of our classmates With all the information collected, each learner makes a map of their skills and attitudes giving priority to the values related to work. Activity 2 Where would we like to work? Each small group lists a series of reasons why they would like to work on the activities that each member in the group has chosen. Each group will interview external volunteers to ask about their professions and activities. They list the pros and cons of the activities. Then, they search for information about jobs and occupations they liked most. Finally, they will design a poster/wallchart reflecting this information. Activity 3 What do we need for that job? Each of the Learners will list the competencies and skills needed for the job they want. In class group, they share ideas and prioritize the competencies and skills of the jobs they would like to take up. To be able to differentiate what is known and what is needed to find employment To find out where to look for one’s job To identify work values, skills and attitudes. To relate interests and aspirations with professional opportunities. Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Communication Social and Civic competences Learning to Learn Communication in Foreign Languages Cultural Awareness and Expression Teamwork Self-reflection Critical thinking Assessing competence Planning and resource management Creativity 120’