SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN A joint reflection needs to be done that it is not easy, that it can take a lot of time, but they must continue setting temporary goals and keep on in the effort. Each Learner will list the reasons to get the job; in groups, these reasons will be prioritized and reflected on a wallchart/poster that will serve as a reminder every day. Activity 6 Creating a job-offer profile Individually, Learners create a profile to hang it on different networks like Linkedin, Facebook, ... To search information about professions and occupations To select and use a combination of job search techniques To compare one’s profile with the job offers To search and contact employers Planning and resource management Creativity 30-60’ Action 4 Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter Activity 7 Completing a curriculum vitae and cover letter Watching videos and debates. In small groups they research in books and documents on steps for the elaboration of an effective CV. Each Learner fills his/her own CV for a job offer. They will also write down some cover letters which will be later analyzed in small groups so as to decide which ones are the most suitable to attach to the CV. To be able to elaborate a curriculum vitae To fill in a standard job application form Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Communication Planning and resource management Teamwork 180’