SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN To write a cover letter for a prospective employer Action 5 Interview Activity 8 Interview Watching videos and job interview discussions. Role playing with job interviews. To communicate one’s skills and knowledge to potential employers To answer effectively to the common questions of a job interview. To acquire the skills to overcome job interviews Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Communication Social and Civic competences Creativity 120’ Action 6 Choosing a job offer Activity 9 Evaluation of job offers and adaptation during the first stage in the job Individually, Learners analyze the job offer, conditions and expectations they had, to make the most appropriate decision. In small groups, all decisions and whys are discussed and the rest of Learners help make the individual decision. + To evaluate job offers and working conditions offered Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Communication 60’