SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Opened mind or Polarization Activity 1 Teacher will start a debate with learners to see how they understand the concepts of opened mind and/or Polarization. Teacher will ask learners to find examples without doing any researches. This work consists in helping learners to group ideas that will reinforce their individual and collective reflection. Activity 2 Teacher will make the learners work: • by peer on benefits and misdeeds of each one of the two concepts; • then in plenary to debate about their findings. Activity 3 / as complementary exercise depends on the teacher facility (facing this topic and/or the learners’ knowledge level); Teacher can also ask help to philosophy or theologist specialist. Learners will be asked to find example of opened mind / polarization themes, the hidden goal being to bring them if Be able to make self- reflection Be able to defend his/her opinion as well as to listen other ones Learn to learn Critical thinking Respect Tolerance Peer sub-groups 10’ 20’ 20’ 30’ to 60’