SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN possible till radicalization whatever is the domain (politics, dietary, extreme- sports, … religions, …). Debriefing on Action 1 What did I learn? 10’ Action 2 Islamic or Islamist Islam and Extremist Islam Activity 4 Teacher will start a debate with learners to check the differences they make between Islamic and Islamist and then between Islam and Extremist Islam. Teacher will ask learners to develop and share their opinions without any researches. For this action, teacher may ask help to some expert as preacher/imam or theologian person. Debriefing on Action 2 What did I learn? Be able to make self- reflection Be able to argue Learn to learn Social and civic competences Respect Tolerance 25’ + 20’ 10’ Action 3 Free press or Manipulated press Activity 5 As brainstorming exercise, the teacher will first ask to learners what they know in matter of Press (free, manipulated, thematic, oral/written/electronic, …). Be able to make self- reflection Be able to argue Learn to learn Social and civic competences 20’