SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 7.a Then learners will be asked to identify the different religions they know without researches. If teacher thinks they know the main ones, then he/she will propose activity 7.b. If not, he/she will take time to organize a research either based on Internet if possible, or through encyclopedia, dictionary, books… from the library. Complementary exercise: Learners can be asked to classify the numbers of practitioners around the world within each religion, from the more important one to the smallest one, as well as the most representative countries in regard of practitioners. 7.b Learners will be asked to make researches about secularism. What is secularism? Which states are reputed to be secular states? What does it mean for these states to be secular? Debriefing on Action 4 What did I learn? Respect Tolerance 20’ (30’) 30’ 10’