SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Room Organization Classroom, outdoor courtyard Type of ACTIVITIES Brainstorming – Debates - Information search - Study of techniques and implementation – Videos – Sketches - Scales - Paint on paper - Paint on the wall LEARNING CONTEXT Individual X Pair work Group work X Less than 5 X 5-10 11-15 X 16-20 Distance learning Frontal X Interactive X SEQUENCING Number of: Actions [2] Activities [4] Hours [9] TEACHERS MATERIALS Articles, ICT, books , videos… LEARNERS MATERIALS Fanfold paper, pens and pencil, erasers, spray paint, articles , ICT, book s… KEY COMPETENCES 1. Cultural Awareness And Expression 2. Social And Civic Competences 3. Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship Transversal COMPETENCES 1 - Communication