SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 2 How do I feel now? Activity 3 Let’s practice self -assessment Students write a short text answering the following questions: How do I feel after the work done? What have I learned? Did we manage to accept each other? Once we were aware that it is us who created this work, did we realize that “I try to win so that you win too, and even all of us do, and thus we can all feel personally f ulfilled “? Activity 4 We assess in process and the result All reflections are shared so that a common judgement is reached. Finally this will be reflected on a collaborative document. Be able to be aware that we are all necessary and can positively contribute. Be able to assume one’s own responsibility in the work and trust in the responsibility of the other classmates. Cultural Awareness And Expression Social And Civic Competences Digital Competence 60 ’