SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 3 Sources of information Activity 6 Teacher will organize sub-groups in regard of the question “Which is the more trustable source of information that you believe in ?” between: - TV - Internet (out of social networks) - Radio - Newspapers/Magazines - Social networks After some minutes of reflection, each sub-group will have to explain why its sources is, on his/her opinion, more trustable? why the other sources are not trustable, on his/her opinion. The group will compare and share, or not, the various opinions from sub- groups. Activity 7 On the internet, which of the following types of sources do you mainly use to inform you? - Websites of major media - News aggregator portals Be able to form and justify own opinion Autonomy Social and civic competences Self-reflection Reflecting / Evaluating 5’ 5’ 10 ’ 5’