SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 What does one believe? The true of the false. Each activity in Action 4 requires from the teacher to ask learners to position themselves on each statement and then debate together to unravel the truth from the wrong. Each activity can be animated by a different volunteer among the learners (by default, the teacher him/herself). These exercises consist in helping learners to speak, to express and justify their opinion within a group that can be very heterogeneous. Activity 10 Global warming - it is not yet clear whether global warming comes from human activity or solar radiation - we are not even sure that the climate is warming - global warming does not exist, it is a thesis defended above all by politicians and scientists to advance their interests. Activity 11 Big replacement For each of the following opinions that can be heard about immigration, each learner will indicate whether they totally agree, tend to agree, tend to disagree or disagree at all: - this is a worrying process that causes problems of coexistence between very different cultures and ultimately threatens our way of life - European countries have a duty to welcome people pushed into exile by war and misery, and it is also their long- term economic interest - it is a political project of replacing one civilization by another deliberately organized by our political, intellectual and media elites Be able to form and justify own opinion Autonomy Critical thinking Anti-hate communication Social and civic competences 10’ 15’