SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Step 2: Use search operators. In previous formulations, teacher will explain to learners how to notice parentheses (), words and / or /, signs +/- ... These typographic signs are used to refine search according to needs. There are many and they vary depending on the search engine! They often are too much and have to be reduced for a research of better quality. But, learners will still find too much ways to explore. To reduce the number of ways, learners need to select keywords. Step 3: Validate information. Know how to recognize information given by an individual, a professional, or an official organization, and judge the credibility of the data. Teacher will explain to learners how it is possible to validate the source of the information by checking one of the following four points: Who is the author? A particular? A professional? An organism? 20’ 20’