SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN the Internet the information can disappear very quickly!). 2- Name the source, if specified. 3- Place the quote between "...". Activity 7 The image rights. Here, as for Activity 6, even if an image or photograph appears on the Internet, it remains the property of someone. It is therefore not possible to use it without citing sources, and sometimes even with the obligation to ask the author permission to use or reproduce. As exercise, teacher will propose a theme and learners will make research of photos or images to illustrate it by identifying their source (place, author, date, ...) Teacher will explain that there are websites where the images are free of rights, websites that allow to use their images (with specific licenses like Creative Commons for example). Activity 8 / Feedback What do you learn from Action 3? Any other questions? 30’ 15’