SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 Boolean operators Activity 9 Without going into too much detail and if the teacher is comfortable with this subject, it may be interesting, depending on the level of the group of learners, to deepen the sequence. Thus, and to be even more efficient in a search, it is possible to use specific words and symbols called "Boolean operators". "...": they allow to search for an exact expression. For example, you want to find the pages that contain the words "recruitment on social networks" in this specific order, you can put “…” around your expression. Or (|): you use it if you want sites including at least one of the 2 terms of your search. For example, you are looking for an editor or journalist. You can write: editor or journalist. You can also use the vertical bar and enter your search as follows: editor | reporter. Not (-): Looking for a web editor but you do not want a freelance copywriter. You will type: writer - freelance. Be able to make digital researches in autonomy Digital competence Learning to learn Communication Autonomy Self-reflection 20’