SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Initiate critical thinking to get people to project themselves Activity 1 Presentation of the activity by the teacher to the group. The teacher, to give rules, introduces him/herself. Activity 2 The learners present themselves according to individually chosen modes (I present myself as I am, I invent myself a life story). Teacher will introduce the 2 alternatives at the beginning of Activity 2 with some limits (even if a dream/project, must be realistic, credible, …). Some learners may not want to tell their life story so they are offered, without saying that i t’s not the true, to tell the life story of a friend, relative, parent, … or something they totally create. Everyone must have something to present so not to be in position to refuse to talk . To be aware that in each “society” (group, organization, …) the re are limits To be able to listen to others Learn to learn Communication Respect 15’ 15’ -60 ’ Depends size of the group Action 2 Raise awareness of the situation of migrants in Europe Activity 3 Introduction of life stories: To provoke the emotion inherent to the narrative of a witness (in live, it is the ideal) to introduce exchanges. If none witness, teacher will show videos (followed by discussions) with immigrant life stories. If videos are not possible, press articles … To be able to make choice in regard of own criteria To try to understand why truth is not always easy to tell Empathy Communication 45 ’ – 120’