SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 4 Brainstorming on clichés: the group must identify real and false clichés (about migrants) from ideas conveyed by the medias, books, friends/relatives, ... so to participate in the fight against ignorance, a source of manipulation of young people minds, and to open debate within the group to defend or not these clichés. To be able to discern true from false To be able to argue about ideas Learn to learn Critical thinking 45’ – 90’ Action 3 Realization of billboards and to create motivation for humanitarian engagement and/or solidarity Activity 5 This exercise may not be organized if billboards exist in the structure and can be made available (be careful that their number is sufficient, neither too much nor too little). The replacing idea to promote is to borrow billboards from associations, town hall, social center, ... and to work with the group on the borrowing process (free, expensive, win/win). Last, if there are no billboards (or if there are not enough of them), think with the group of learners about how to make them as cheaply as possible (notion of ecology, sustainability, of minimal cost, ...). Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Teamwork Creativity 15’ 15’ – 60’ 1 (or 2) 3hour- sequences