SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 What is « Cultural diversity »? Activity 6 Inventory cultural differences that may exist within a same society. The first exercise is to raise awareness that there are different forms of society. Teacher will provide one or two examples of society and ask the group to identify other ones. The notion of religion is not a priority, but it is one among several dimensions of cultural diversity; it could therefore be addressed in this action. To be able to argue about ideas Cultural awareness and expression Learn to learn 30’ - 60’ Action 5 What ’ s « Identity » ? Activity 7 1 st level: Identity can be defined through his/her genitors ( “ I am son of ... ” ) . The exercise will consist in that, in a voluntary mode, each learner agrees to present him/herself according to his/her ancestry. Activity 8 If the teacher feels an interest of the group, it is possible to work on the individual realization of tree of life (base of genealogy) with ascendants but also by adding brothers/sisters, 2 nd mothers, ... The exercise to follow is to present to the group the different components of his/her tree of life and To be able to talk within a group and to give as much attention as others will give to you To be able to understand that everyone already belongs to “some” form of society that is Family Respect Communication Empathy Cultural awareness and expression 30’ – 60’ Depends size of the group 60 ’ – 120’ + Part of the work (after teacher’ model) can be done individually between