SERA Cycle 3 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN everything that can gravitate around (such as migration route, death of a dear, ...), in fact everything that has co- participated in the construction of his/her identity. The teacher will start by presenting his/her own family tree, as a model to the students (can use tree but also fresco, …) , then learners will make their own ones and finally present them in plenary. Activity 9 2 nd level: Identity is based on a project common to a group of individuals who may share cultural, ethnic, religious, ... but also humanitarian aims, belief in ecology, in dietary restrictions, ... There, it can be necessary to have a multidisciplinary team (binomial as minimum) to manage the debate between learners; if possible, several sub-groups will be organized depending of identitary topics to prepare the exhibition. To be able to take distance from his/her own story To be able to argue about ideas Cultural awareness and expression Learn to learn Critical thinking lessons when learners are in their cell, to prepare quietly their family tree. 90’ – 120’ Action 6 Talk of cultural diversity by means of exhibition Activity 10 Each subgroup, depending on the identitary theme chosen, will work to find documentation, to build an argument, to present pictures/videos/painting, texts, … while To be able to choose appropriate references such as documents, videos, … Learn to learn Sense of initiative and entreprenership As many 60’ - sequences as necessary + individual work is possible